Letterheads are often wrongly considered as an ordinary heading in company stationery.
Yet, it spells out a lot of difference when doing official business.
Your company letterhead captures the essence of your company’s purpose and style:
- It’s your brand and identity
- It lets your customers know just how professional your company is
- It distinguishes your company from the competition
Here are some guidelines and tips to make your letterheads that make your organisation look great.
Keep it Simple
Too many special effects overshadow your message of professionalism.
Make the letterhead design reflect your company’s image. Create a logo that points out your company’s strengths – a logo should not stand out its own as a piece of artwork.
Design a Letterhead that is Readable
Take care with the choice of font size, colour and style of your letterhead.
Stay away from those fancy fonts!
You want your name to stand out – not the font.
Use Colour and Graphics only as needed
Don’t overdo the use of colour. When colour is used in too many areas, the areas start to fight for attention. Use colour to emphasise specific areas.
Include only the necessary details
What do you want your customer to know from looking at the letterhead?
You’ll want the company’s name, phone number, physical address, e-mail address, but not much else.
Leaving out extra information will keep the look of your letterhead clean and readable.
And … Make sure the information on the letterhead is correct!
One final piece of advice:
If you are trying to design your own letterhead and create the artwork on your own but are not confident in what you are doing, it may be worth the cost of having someone experienced do the work for you. They will be able to provide the artwork prepares according to the printers requirements, which could save you money further down the line.
And you can, of course, speak to us … we’re here to help you with all your printing needs!