Thursday, 10 March 2011

Design your Brochure with Customers in mind …

One of the best ways to make a good impression on potential customers who have yet to see your products is to use a full colour brochure.

Your company brochure is one of the most basic marketing materials to help promote your business. It is a great way for you to showcase what you have and why people should buy from you and not from any of your competitors.

When thinking about the design it is always a good idea to consult with your printer as there is often more than one solution to things like folding, quality of paper and finishing.

No matter what format you want your brochure to be, there are some essential tips to bear in mind:

Identify Your Target Customers

Before printing your brochures it is a must that you identify your target customers.
Know their problems, expectations and reasons why they are purchasing you products and services.

State the Benefits of your Products and Services

Often overlooked as we are all too keen to tell people about features – not benefits!
As an example, a brochure printing company should try and steer away from talking about their printing machines and instead major on how their printing services can help their customers

Keep it simple

Remember the old adage of … being simple is beautiful!
Try to avoid writing lengthy copy and, if possible, leave room for some pictures or illustrations.
Bulleted lists also work well as many customers don’t have the time to read your brochure from front to back.

And, of course, a little piece of originality can make your brochure work even harder for you!
So make things as unique as possible to your company.

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