Let’s face it; the newspaper industry has seen better days.
Consumers now have so much choice in the way they receive their news.
For some it’s simply a case of Radio or Television.
For others it’s an age of iPads, iPhones and the internet.
So, it was something of a surprise to see the results of a recent LinkedIn poll (instigated by PR Daily) asking how often PR professionals read printed newspapers.
Of the 450 people polled:
- 71% say they still read a physical newspaper
- With just over a third (34%) reading one every day
Once again, more evidence to support the print media and pleasing to see that despite all the choice now available people haven’t given up reading the paper all together!
Of course, newspapers are not everyone’s cup of tea … 22% stated that they never read printed newspapers, preferring the on line versions or Twitter, media apps and mobile internet.
The advances in mobile technology does tend to indicate that someday (hopefully not in our lifetime) newspapers might seem like an antiquated echo from the past. For many people that will be a depressing thought as they still like a good thumb through The Times, The FT or (dare I say it) the Metro.
Train carriages will never be the same again as we reject the familiar rustling of the pages and, of course, the inky feeling on your fingers! But maybe there will be sufficient diehards … who might even get their own ‘newspaper readers only’ carriage … now there’s a thought!
And, anyway … You can’t wrap your fish and chips in an iPad can you?!
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